Thursday, July 21, 2011

Garage Sewing!!!

Garage Sewing!!!

Well my neighbor and I Lisa decided to get together and sew in my garage...(please don't judge my messy garage) I busted out the long tables and sassy table clothes, lined up the machines and we were ready to go. I helped lisa figure out her machine and she did very well practicing her straight lines.  We had a blast it was awesome getting together and learning new things. Maybe we will make it into a new fad! "Garage sewing" hehe sounds like fun to me.
Lisa is super excited to learn...look at that smile!
She's getting the hang of it
I started to work on a dress.....ohhh love the colors
Almost done!!
Lisa's station
My little mess of a station

We had so much fun while our kids ran wild outside. Just wanted to share our little adventure we had today! Hope you enjoyed this :O)


  1. OMG!! I didn't even know you had a blog. . .until I saw your fb post!! -LOL!! That was sewwwww :) fun!!!! Yes, we'll have to do it again. . .I had a great time and found a new confidence :) Thanks so much :)

  2. Yes girl we will do it again sometime next week!! :O)

  3. Ah Monique....I am so happy for you doing dream (seriously) is to get my etsy shop running with awesomeness! More likely when my baby is kindergarten age and all 3 are in school but it seems so far awayM. Meanwhile I'm working on nursery projects! Congrats on your progressing business!...holly
