Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Here is what im am doing right now. "Stinkin Cute COvers"  I don't have a name just yet for them, but they are to be used while nursing. Very convenient when your out and want to be a little private. I have only made 3 so far and one is already claimed. They are going to sell for $28. Let me know if your interested, these are also great for shower gifts.

This last one is a Mod Patchwork I am working on which I think is going to turn out soo Stinkin Cute!


  1. Adorable! I LOVE my nursing cover. Great great idea.

    Ok, WHERE did you find that mini mannequin? I have got to find one just like ASAP, as well as a womens one. HELP!

    Also, if you don't mind me being nosey, I'm interested in knowing where you get your labels. I have find some of those this week too.

    If you are willing to give some tips...email me on facebook.

    Thanks girl, and I'm followig! :)

  2. Where do you find the adorable fabrics you use?
