How to start a Small Craft business
By: Monique Bockmann
Hello future Entrepreneurs:
First off “Go You” for the interest in wanting to start a business. Making your own schedule, own product and OWN MONEY! Sounds good so far? Yes, that is what I like about having my own business. I often get asked how I started my business, and if I have tips on how they can too. Most who ask are stay at home mother's , ambitious teens, or very crafty people, wanting to turn their hobby into a way to make money.
10 helpful tips to start you on your way:
- Find a little niche you enjoy doing (something unique) this makes business making so much more fun. If it is something that takes a lot of time and is not enjoyable to make your desire will fizz out fast
- Name your self! Think up a fun (something unique) with a cool logo that you can use to identify your self. Order business cards, banners and labels to tag your items
- Make inventory: Now you got all of that set up “Start working” make enough inventory to be ready to ship. Once your inventory is stocked up now LET’S SELL! You want to have ready to ship items before advertising
- Start selling: For small craft businesses it is good to start selling on ETSY.COM, EBAY.COM or any other routes of selling your products. Also, talk to other vendors! This is a great way to see what is working for them, and where they have had the best results from.
- Pricing: Pricing can be a bit tricky sometimes. Look on social media sites, and see what people are selling similar items to yours for. But just to start out: Write down how much it cost to make and double that and then some.
- Set up Social media: Suggested social media Facebook, Instagram and others. Create an account with your business name and start posting!!
- Getting the word out: Start telling friends, family, neighbors EVERYONE! Word of mouth is the most powerful advertisement.
- Giveaways: Look on social media for brand reps that will model your product to send you GOOD pictures. Give them FREE products! They will help you get followers. Do it as much as you can. Send out items to people that will tell about your product and help you get the word out about your awesome product
- You are starting out with this business as just a Hobby. There are next steps you need to take for selling when you sell at local market nights or any city events. Business license, city license. That is for the next blog :)
Just a few tips on how to start a craft business or whatever it is you would like to do and turn it into a business. Be awesome and let me know if this was helpful for to you.