Weeellll!! So much has happened since my last blog...geez I really wish I was better at updating my blog. I really don't feel like writing what all I have been doing for a year, so I am going to jump right into the here and now if you don't mind lol!
I have moved into a New BIGGER and PRETTIER...and might I add shabbier shop. I relocated to Yucaipa, ca right on the Blvd (yeah). Besides the construction in front of my door to improve the blvd to make a round about..I LOVE IT! Yes we had a Grand Opening along with my friend whom I am sharing the building with Mrs. Wendy Ternes Photography her self. She has an awesome studio set up to accommodate all photo needs Newborns to you name it, she can do it!
I am still in a not so flexible schedule to have the shop open more hours...but there it is kids, house work, church and so much more, it can get a little over whelming. I am able to be open only Friday & Saturday from10:00-1:00pm which I think is good, those are the busiest days anyway.
I have a 2012 plan in mind (yes I am thinking way ahead) but OHhhh so super excited about it. I have to figure out more info and details before I spill my excitement bugs every where. But believe you me you will love it.
My excitement for doing what I do grows as I write this. I wanted to share my work and compassion to others to inspire ladies to CREATE! God has truly given me a special gift of creativity and I want to use it to the best of my abilities. People ask me how I have time for all of this...when you are truly passionate about something thats all you think about and want to do. Admitting that sometimes I lay in bed thinking about fabric and ribbons....weird I know but there it is lol.
A Big thank you for all the ladies that come into the shop and give me such kind words...I try not to get a big head..but these ladies pump my head so big I LOVE IT!!! Telling me that I am so inspiring to them...wow so honored and it surely keeps me going.
I am going to post a few pictures of my new little shabby boutique and few random pics. Thanks again for stopping by, I will promise to update this more and even post my personal blogging here.
Chow my friends!!!